The Best Free Scrivener Resources

Emily Fox
5 min readDec 13, 2017

Updated July 30, 2018

If you just bought the newly released Scrivener 3, or if you’ve had the older version(s) for a while and haven’t used it yet, there is one constant: the intimidation factor of the Scrivener interface. I consider myself pretty tech-savvy, and I’m a bit of a Word expert (buffs nails, pats back), but Scrivener was pretty terrifying to me at first glance.

When I first bought Scrivener, all I could do was stare at it wide-eyed as my brain screamed, WHAT IS ALL OF THIS? I was, to say the least, daunted by the interface and the myriad of options and settings. At the beginning of this year I’d had Scrivener for years and never really used it, so I put it on my 2017 New Year’s Resolutions to learn the thing.

I looked up all kinds of ways to learn the software. After doing some digging, and finding lots of pricey classes and expensive pay walls, I decided that there was no way I was going to pay anyone to teach me. I don’t begrudge anyone trying to make a living from teaching others how to use Scrivener, but I personally don’t find it a necessary expense.

Being stubborn and cheap paid off: with a few simple Google searches, I found quite a few resources online and learned Scrivener for free! The following is a list of all of my favorite FREE Scrivener resources.

